Trap Neuter Return

Realistic Fact Of The Day

Realistic Fact of the Day: This is another fantastic post by Christina Byrd: One thing people do not understand in general is… 80% of kittens, especially ones born outside to colony cats, do not make it to 6 months old without human intervention or help. That is WHY cats have 3-4 litters a year and […]

Litter of puppies in animal shelter. Australian Shepherds

The Benefits Of Adopting A Dog From A Shelter

After assessing what type of pet you would like you have finally decided to adopt a dog. Your next step will now be where you want to adopt your dog from. There will seem to be a wide variety of places where you can adopt a dog from. A friend, a classified ad, a stranger […]

Dog & Woman silhouette with setting sun in Background

Happy National Holistic Pet Day!

August 30th may be the kick-off to Labor Day weekend this year, but this day also has special meaning here at The Organic Pet. August 30th is also known as National Holistic Pet Day. This day is a great time to remind pet owners the the benefits of, as well as to promote, holistic health […]

Black Cat

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day

Tomorrow, August 17th, is Black Cat Appreciation Day. When I heard about this day it made me curious on how it actually came about. After doing a little research, I found that this day is not just about honoring these sleek felines; it’s about changing perceptions on how people see them. This day was established […]

Fish Tank

Do Fish Make Good Pets?

More and more people are discovering that having a home aquarium brings color and amusement into their lives. Studies have shown that people watching fish tanks have lower stress levels. Fish are often ideal pets for people with space limitations or allergies to other common pets. For these reasons and more, fish can make good pets […]

How To Get A Cat To Use A Scratching Post

You’ve just got a cat, and although you love them, you can’t keep them from scratching on your furniture. If you’re like me, you’ve seen scratching posts for sale, but you wonder if your cat would actually use one. First, understanding why cats scratch can significantly help in training them to use a scratching post. […]

Guinea Pigs

Do Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets?

Dogs and cats and the most popular pets in America, but there are many more animals that make great pets and ones that may fit your lifestyle better. One smaller animal in the rodent family that makes a good pet is the guinea pig. You might be pondering if a guinea pig is the right […]

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas And Ticks On Your Pets

If you have a pet, fleas and ticks are more than just nuisances; they’re threats to your pet’s comfort and health. These tiny pests can cause a range of problems from skin irritations to transmitting diseases. That’s why it’s essential to understand what you’re up against. Fleas are notorious for their quick breeding. A single […]

Veterinarian holding dog

How To Choose A Veterinarian

You’ve just adopted a new pet, or you’ve moved to a new location with your current pet. Along with all the other concerns that come along at this time is the need to find a trustworthy and reliable veterinarian. Just like choosing a doctor for your medical needs, it is just as crucial to choose […]

Thermometer showing high temperature with sun shining bright

How To Help Pets And Wildlife During A Heat Wave

A large portion of our country is currently simmering in a heat wave, and summer has only just begun. As we try our best to stay cool during the extreme temperatures, we need to remember that the extreme heat also affects our pets and wildlife. When the thermometer surges, so does the threat to the […]

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